What Is Life Savor?

Life is precious, but we often don’t think of it that way. We take life for granted because it has always been with us and we have never known a time without it. In reality, life—especially human life—is the most rare and precious of privileges.
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The Preciousness of Life

I stand outside on one of those perfectly beautiful days, feeling the breeze on my face and on my arms. I look at the swaying trees and grasses around me, and at the sun and clouds in the sky above. I am filled with a sense of perfection and awe. What’s amazing to me is that the wonder-filled beauty of the world is not a dream.
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Awaken To Your Win

For me, when choking from stress in life, it’s helpful if I can find a time and place away from everything where I can be alone with my thoughts and surround myself with nothing but reminders of the giftness of life. During such times, I can remember and appreciate again what is really important in life. The fact that I get to breathe air into my lungs. The fact that I get to....
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The Progress Trap

I love making progress, but sometimes I get too caught up in it. Progress helps me achieve a sense of traction in life, giving me a daily trickle of both saline and champagne. When I make progress, I feel empowered, fulfilled and secure because I feel like I’m perpetually ratcheting up. Sometimes, though, my fixation on progress becomes unhealthy, almost like a drug addiction.
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woman looking at sea while sitting on beach

Managing Expectations

Expectation primes us to be disappointed if things don’t work out exactly as planned. In reality, life rarely goes exactly as planned (especially when others are involved), and progress is often necessarily slow and uncertain. Furthermore, expectations make us pre-live what we think our experiences should be to the point of leaving us emotionally fatigued, bored and disappointed by the time the results of our goals become real.
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Existential Relief

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Existential Relief

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“An inspiring and grateful view of human life”

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